Warm up this Valentine’s like a “Summer’s Day”

“Summer’s Day” is the first song collaboration between BenOaks & LEE MORR.


BenOaks remembers “We met about 5 years ago when I was still partying & doing drugs. He protected a woman who he didn’t even know. I always remembered that. We ran into each other a few times since then. He always asked if I was making new beats. I took a few years off while I got sober. So when we ran into each other at a spoken word / poetry event last summer hosted by an artist who is a mutual friend, it renewed our friendship. We have been hanging out a lot since then at my studio I share with two other incredible artists. One a fine artist. Painter / print maker / carpenter Darren Jordan. Another a fashion designer- Bird aka BirdUpProductions. We have been doing shows all together this Winter. Our 3rd event all together is this Saturday in Lancaster, Pennsylvania where we all live.”

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